Tuesday 31 January 2017

assignment class10th

                       Area Related To Circles   (for average and gifted students   )             

   Class: - 10th                                               

1.    A copper wire, when bent in the form of square, encloses an area of 484 cm2. If the
       Same wire is bent in the form of  a circle , Find the area encloses by it .  (616 cm2 )
2.    Two circles touch externally. The sum of their areas is 130p cm2 and the distance
       Between their centers is 14cm. Find the radii of the circles.  (11cm, 3cm)
3.    Two circles touch internally. The sum of their areas is 116p cm2 and the distance
          Between their centers is 6cm. Find the radii of the circles.     (10cm, 4 cm)
4.    A bicycle wheel makes 5000 revolutions in moving 11 km. Find the diameter of the
       Wheel.                                                                                          (70 cm)
5.    In figure, ABCD is a square inscribed in a circle of radius 7cm. Calculate:
       ( a) the area of the square                      ( b) area of the shaded portion  
6.   The inside perimeter of practice running track with semi circular ends and
      Straight parallel sides are 312 m. The length of the straight portion of the
      track is 90m. If the track has uniform width of 2m throughout. Find its area
.7.  Find the radius of the circle if an arc of angle 40° has length 4p m. Hence find the  
Area of the sector formed by this arc.
8.   Four cows are tethered at four corners of a square field of side 70m so that they can
      Reach each other. What area of the field will remain ungrazed?     
9.   A chord 10cm long is drawn in a circle whose radius is Ö50 cm. Find the area of
10. The short and long hand of a clock are 4cm and 6cm long respectively. Find the sum
      Distance travelled by their tips in two days.
11. A crescent is formed by two circles which touch at A. C is the center of the large 
       Circle. The width of crescent at BD is 9cm and at EF it is 5cm. Find the area of the
       Shaded region.
12. The radius of  a circle is 2m. What is the radius of another circle whose area is 9
Times that of the first ?
13. A bucket is raised from a well by means of a rope which is wound round a wheel of
      Diameter 77cm. Given that the bucket ascends in 1 min. 28 seconds with a uniform
      Speed of 1.1 m/s . Calculate the number of complete revolutions the wheel makes in
      Raising the bucket.                                                  (      40 revo. )
14. There are two concentric circular tracks of radii 100m and 102 m respectively. A runs
     On the inner track and goes once round the track in 1min. 30 sec; while B runs on the
     Outer track in 1min. 32 sec. Who runs faster?                          ( A runs faster )
15. In given figure, find the area of shaded portion.   (85.56cm2)
16. In an equilateral triangle of side 24cm, a circle is inscribed touching its sides . Find
      The area of the remaining portion of the triangle (take Ö3 = 1.73 and p = 3.14 )
                                                                          (   98.4 cm2)  A                  B                                                              

17. Find the shaded portion in given figure.                             D                 
18. A pendulum swings through an angle of 30’ and describes an arc 8.8cm in length. Find the length of the pendulum?
19. The minute hand of the clock is 10cm long. Find the area of the face of the clock described by the minute hand between 9am 9:35am?
20. An arc of circle is of length 5 cm and the sector it bounds has an area of 20 cm sq.. Find the radius of the circle?
21. An elastic belt is placed round the rim of a pulley of radius 5cm. one point on the belt is pulled directly away from the centre O of the pulley until it is at P, 10cm from O. Find the length of belt that is in contact with the rim of the pulley, also find the shaded area?
22. In a circle with centre O and radius 5cm, AB is the chord of length 5 cm. Find the area of sector AOB ?
23. The perimeter of a sector of circle of radius 5.2cm is 16.4cm. Find the area of sector?
24. Find the area of sector of a circle whose radius is 14cm and angle of sector 45’?
25. A sector is cut from a circle of radius 21cm an angle of sector 150’. Find the length of its arc and area?
26. The minute hand of the clock is cm. Find the area described by the minute hand on the face of clock between 7am to 7:05am?
27. The area of a sector of a circle of radius 5cm is 5cm sq. Find the angle contained by the sector?

                                                    Surface Area And Volume                                                   

 1.  A semi circular sheet of metal of diameter 28cm is bent into an open conical cup. Find the depth and capacity of
     The cup.                            (12.12cm, 622.16cm3 )
           2.  How many spherical lead shots each 4.21cm in diameter can be obtained from a rectangular solid lead with
     Dimension 66cm, 42cm and 21cm?          ( 1500)
3.  A toy is in the form of a cone mounted on a hemi-sphere. The diameter of the base of the cone is 18cm and its
     Height is 20cm. Calculate the surface area of the toy. (Take p = 3.14)                                           (932.58 cm2)
4    A rectangular sheet of paper 44cm x 18cm is rolled along its length and a cylinder is formed. Find the volume of
     The cylinder. (Take p = 22/)         ( 2772 cm3)
         5.  A circus tent is in the form of a right circular cylinder and a right circular cone above it. The diameter and the
              Heights of the cylindrical part of the tent are 126m and 5m respectively. The total height of the tent is 21m. Find
              The total surface area of the tent.(Take p = 22/7)                                                                                ( 14850 m2)
6.  A building is in the form of a cylinder surmounted by a hemi spherical vault dome which contains 17.7m3 of air
     And its internal diameter is equal to the height of the crown of the vault above the floor. Find the height of the
     Building. (Take p = 22/7)                                                              (3m)
7.  In the given figure, a cone of radius 10cm is divided into two parts by drawing a plane through the mid-point of
     Its axis parallel to its base. Compare the volumes of the two parts.                      ( 1: 7)
8.  The diameter of a sphere is 42 cm. It is melted and drawn into a cylindrical wire of 28cm in diameter. Find the length of the wire.                                       (63cm)
9.  If h, c and V respectively are the height, curved surface area and the volume of a cone
Prove that 3pVh3 – c2 h2 + 9V2 = 0.
10. An agricultural field is in the form of a rectangle of length 20m and width 14m. A pit 6m long, 3m wide and 2.5m deep is dug in the corner of the field , and the earth taken out of the pit is spread uniformly over the remaining area of the field . Find the extent to which the level of the field has been raised.                 (17.18cm0
11. The cost of preparing the walls of the room 12m long at the rate of Rs. 1.35 per m2 Is Rs.340.20 and the cost of
     matting the floor at 85paise / m2 is Rs.91.80. Find the  height of the room.                                      ( 6m)
12.To construct a wall 24m long, 0.4m thick and 6m high, bricks of dimensions 25cm X 16cm X 10cm each are
     used. If the mortar occupies 1/ 10th of the volume of the wall,Find the number of bricks used.       ( 12960)        
13.A well with 10m inside diameter is dug, 14m deep, earth taken out of it and spread all around to width of 5m to
     form an embankment.Find the height of embankment.(4.66cm)
14.Water is flowing at the rate of 3km/hr. through a circular pipe of 20 cm internal diameter into a circular cistern
     of diameter 10m and depth 2m. In how much time will this cistern will be filled?                   ( 1hr. 40 min.)
15.Water is flowing at the rate of 7m/s through a circular pipe, whose internal diameter  is 2cm into a cylindrical
      tank , the radius of whose base is 40cm. Determine the increase in the water level in 1/2hrs.      (787.5cm)
16. A sector of a circle of radius 12cm has the angle 120°. It is rolled up so that to bounding radii are joined
      together to form a cone. Find the volume of the cone.(189.61cm3)
17. Water flows at the rate of 10m /min. through a cylindrical pipe 5mm in diameter . How long would it take to fill
      a conical vessel whose diameter at the base is 40cm and depth 24cm?            (51min.12sec)        
18. A heap of wheat is in the form of a cone of diameter 9m and height 3.5m find its volume, how much canvas
       cloth is required to just cover the heap.   (Take p = 3.14) ( 74.25m3, 80.54m2 )
19. The radius of the internal and external surfaces of a hollow spherical shell are 3cm and 5cm respectively. If it is
       melted and recast into a solid cylinder of height 22/3. Find the diameter of the cylinder.       ( 14cm)
20. A toy is in the form of a cone mounted on a hemi sphere of radius 3.5 cm . If the total
      height of the toy is 15.5cm. Find volume of the toy.    (Take p = 22/7)    ( 243.83cm)                                                                                                        



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