Tuesday 31 January 2017

chapter A.p

Chapter - Coordinate Geometry   Class 10th  

1)      Find the distance between the points (0,5) and (-5,0).
2)      Show that the points (1,1), (-2,7) and (3,-3) are collinear.
3)      Find the mid point of A (2,7) and B (10,1).
4)      Find the relation between X and Y if the points (x,y), (1,2) and (7,0) are collinear.
5)      Check whether (5,-2), (6,4) and (7,2) are the vertices of an isosceles triangle ?
6)      Find the perimeter of triangle with vertices (0,4), (0,0) and (3,0).
7)      Prove that the points A (0,1), B (1,4), C (4,3) and D (3,0) are vertices of square.
8)      In what ratio does the x axis, line segment joining the points (-4,-6) and (-1,7) ?Find the coordinate of the point of division ?
9)      Find the ratio in which the point (-1,K) divides the line segment joining the points (-3,10) and (6,-8) hence find the value of K.
10)  Pal and Tom planted some trees in her garden as shown in figure and both arguing they planted them in straight line. Find who is correct ? P stands for Pal and T for Tom. Which social value is depicted in the question ?











      1       2       3      4

Chapter - Coordinate Geometry  Class 10th

1)      Find the centroid of triangle whose vertices are (3,-5), (-7,4) and (10,-2).
2)      Prove that the diagonals of rectangle bisect each other and are equal.
3)      What is the distance of the point P (5,12) from the origin.
4)      If the mid points of sides of triangle are (1,1), (2,-3) and (3,4) Find its vertices ?
5)      What is the distance between the points (10 Cos 300 ,0) and (0, 10 Cos 600) ?
6)      A line is of length 10 and one end is at point (-3,2). If the ordiante of the other end be 10, prove that the abscissa will be 3 or -9
7)      In what ratio does the y axis divide the line segment joining the points P (-4,5) and Q (3,-7) ? Also find the coordinates of the point of intersection.
8)      The line joining the points to (2,1) and (5,-8) is trisected by the points P and Q. If the point P lies on the line 2x -y +k = 0   Find the value of K    
9)      School students of class X undertake to work for a campaign "Say No To Plastic". Group X took the area under the coordinates A(2,2), B(-3,3), C(-2,-1) and Group Y took the area under the coordinates C(-2,-1), D(3,-1), A(2,2). Who covered more area? What are the harmful effects of using plastic and how you contribute in spreading awareness for such campaign ?
10)  Find the centre of circle passing through the points (6,-6), (3,-7) and (3,3).

Chapter - Construction  Class 10th
Revisional Assignment for Gifted students

A.        Tick the correct option from the following:-

1)      To construct a triangle similar to a given ABC with its sides  of the corresponding sides of   ABC, first draw say BX such that angle CBX is an acute angle and X lies on the opposite side of A w.r.t. BC. Then locate points B1,B2 ... on BX at equal distances and next step is to join:
(A)       B2 to C           (B)       B3 to C           (C)       B4 to C           (D)       B5 to C

2)   To draw a pair of triangles to circle which one inclined to each other at angle of 35 it is required to draw triangles at end points at these two radii of the circle the angle between them should be
(a)  60           (b)  90(c)  120(d)  1500           

B.        Draw a line segment of length 4cm and determine a point which divides the given line segment internally in the ratio 2:3.
C.        Draw a triangle ABC with side BC = 7cm, ̸̲  B = 450  ̸̲ A = 1050 then construct a triangle whose sides 4 ̸ 3 times the corresponding sides of  triangle ABC also justify the construction.
D.        Draw a pair to tangents to circle of radius 5cm which are incline to each other at an  ̸̲ 600 Also justify the construction. Measure the distance between the centre of circle and point of the intersection of the tangents. 
E.         Draw a circle with the help of a bangle. Take a point P outside the circle. Construct the pair of tangents from this point to circle.
F.         Let ABC be a right triangle in which AB = 6cm, BC = 8cm and angle B = 900. BD is the perpendicular from B to AC. The circle through B, C, D is drawn. Construct the tangents from A to this circle.
G.        Draw a circle of radius 3cm. Take two points P and Q on one of its extended diameter each at a distance of 7cm from its centre. Draw tangents to the circle from these two points P and Q.
H.        Draw a circle radius 4.5cm and than draw to tangents at the end points of diameter of the circle. What do you observe ?
            IF each of these tangents represent the qualities of a human being then for a better human being, find out the qualities that a person should possess.

Chapter - Construction  Class 10th  
Revisional Assignment for Slow learner 

A.                Tick the correct option from the following:-
1)      To divide a line segment AB in the ratio 3:7 first a ay AX is drawn so that angle BAX is an acute angle and then at equal distances points one marked in the say AX straight the minimum points is
(a) 3          (b)  7        (c)  10          (d)  12
2)      To divide a line segment AB in the ratio 4:5 a say AX is drawn First such that angle BAX is an acute angle and them points A1, A2, A3 ...... are located at equal distances an say AX and the point B is joint to
(a)  A4      (b)  A5       (c)   A9      (d) A10
B.        State True or False
1)         A pair of tangents can be constructed from a point P to a circle of radius 5cm situated at a distance of 4cm from the centre.
2)         Draw an equilateral triangle having each side of 5cm. Construct a triangle similar to it and of scale factor 2/3. The new triangle is also an equilateral triangle.
C.        Divide a line segment of length 6cm in to 2/3 internally.
D.        Draw a right triangle ABC in which BC = 12cm, AB = 5cm and  ̸̲ B = 900
E.         Is construction of a triangle with sides 8cm, 4cm, 4cm possible ?
F.         What instruments are used for performing geometrical construction ?
G.        What should be the difference AB and AC for construction of  triangle ABC with BC = 4cm and  ̸̲ C = 600 ?
H.        Draw a triangle ABC in which AB = 6cm, BC= 5.8  ̸̲ B = 700 . Construct a triangle similar to it with scale factor 3/5.
I.          Draw a right triangle in which sides other then hypotenuse are of lengths 4cm and 3cm. Then construct another triangle whose sides 5/3 times the corresponding sides of the given triangle.
J.          Draw a circle of radius 6cm. From a point 12cm away from its centre, construct the pair of tangents to the circle and measure their lengths.
K.        Construct a tangent to a circle of radius 2cm from a point on the concentric circle of radius 3cm and measure its length.

Chapter - Arithmetic Progressions  Class 10th  
Revisional Assignment for Slow learner 

1)      Check the following series is an AP or not.
2)      Write AP whose first term =17 and common difference = -6
3)      Write first term and common difference of AP 13,5,-3,-11
4)      Write first 4 terms of AP if a = -5 and d = 1/2.
5)      Find the 20th term of the sequence 7,3,-1,-5.....
6)      Write the AP whose third term is 5 and seventh term is 9.
7)      Find the 10th term of the AP 8, 13, 18... 153 ?
8)      How many multiples of 6 lies between 20 and 350 ?
9)      Find the sum of first 10 terms of AP 5, 8, 11, 14 ..... ?
10)  Find the sum of first 31 terms of the AP whose second term is 2 and fourth term is 8 ?
11)  Find the sum of all natural numbers less than two hundred which are divisible by 7 ?
12)  Find the sum of 6 + 13 + 20 + ...... to 19 terms ?
13)  If a = -7, d = 4, an=73 Find n and Sn ?
14)  If a = 13, a13 = 73 Find d and S13 ?
15)  Find the sum of all terms of AP if the first term, common difference and last term of an AP are 12, 6 and 252 respectively ?

         Chapter - Arithmetic Progressions  Class 10th  

1)      Check the following series is an AP or not 2,22,23,24......
2)      Find the next term of the AP √2, √8, √18, √32 .....
3)      If 2, a, 16/3 forms and AP find the value of a ?
4)      For what value of p are 2p + 1, 13, 5p -3, three consecutive terms of AP?
5)      Find the number of natural numbers between 101 and 999 which are divisible both 2 and 5 ?
6)      Which term of AP; 2.9, 3.2, 3.5, 3.8 .... is 8 ?
7)      Which term of AP; 7, 12, 17, 22, 27 will be 250 more than its 50 th term ?
8)      Find the sum of (-3) + (-7) +(-11) + .... to 31 terms ?
9)      The sum of 4th and 8th term of an AP is 24 and the sum of 6th and 10th term is 44. Find the first 3 terms of AP ?
10)  The sum of first n terms of an AP is given by Sn = 3n2 - 4n. Find the AP and the 12th term?
11)  If Sn donates the sum of first n terms of an AP, prove that S30=3(S20 - S10) ?
12)  Find the sum (4 - 1 /n) + (4 - 2 /n) + (4 - 3/n) + ...... up to n terms ?
13)  The ratio of sum of n terms of two AP's is (4n + 2) : (3n + 47). Find the ratio of their 9th term ?
14)  The sum of first 7 terms of an AP is 182. If its fourth and seventeenth term are in ratio 1:5, find the AP ?
15)  Given a = 8, an = 62, Sn = 210. Find n and d ?

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